I haven't seen my cousin from the Philippines in 16 years, so when she told me she was visiting while I was on my internship in Florida, I was pretty excited to see her again.
That died down pretty quick.
First of all she somehow managed to hack into our internet system so she could grant herself access to it and changed our internet settings and passwords in the process. Thank goodness my husband was able to set it all back when we got home... four weeks later. Ugh.
Then she decided to make my house a check point in Foursquare. Where she's from -- in the Philippines -- that might be okay since she lives in a rich gated community. But here, in California? That's just plain dumb. So I brought it up with her and she had the nerve to tell me maybe I shouldn't be on Foursquare because I'm so paranoid and proceeded to argue with me. All I said was that I wouldn't check into my home. She had no reason to start snapping at me and getting all this attitude. It's my house, not yours. Have some fuckin common courtesy.
So I told my mom, because it bothered me and I think my mom had a right to know. So she brought it up with my cousin like, a week or two later. And for some reason my cousin got all upset and called her mom and they sent her and her sister to another part of California. And my cousin deleted me and blocked me on all of her social networking sites.
Uh, okay?
Not exactly the reunion I had in mind...
wow, that is just... mind blowingly inapproprite and rude of her. Who does that?
Posted by: Miss Macchiato | 09/01/2011 at 05:52 PM
I know, right?
I managed to avoid her while she was staying at my house for two nights. Good job, you're rude and you end up back at my house AFTER insulting and blocking me! Ugh. At least I got my house to be removed from Foursquare's database!
Posted by: zeE | 09/10/2011 at 08:59 PM